Contemporary Education Sciences
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5Opposing The Student Success Act [EB/OL]. http ://bobbyscott. house.gov/media -center/floor -statements/opposing -the -student -suc- cess-act.
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8Every Student Succeeds Act [EB/OL]. https:// www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS - 114s 1177enr/pdf/BILLS - 114s 1177enr. pdf.
9Andy Smarick, Understanding the federal accountability spectra [EB/OL]. http ://edexcellence.net/articles/unde~tanding-the-federal-ac- countability-spectra.
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7U.S. Department of Education. Obama Administration Approves NCLB Flexibility Request for New Hampshire 39 States and DC Now Approved for Waivers [EB/OL]. http:// www. ed. gov/news/press-releases/obama- administration-approves-nclb-flexibility- request-new-hampshire-39-states-a. 2013-06- 26/ 2013-07-05.
8John Fensterwald. Feds deny state a No Child Left Behind waiver [EB/OL]. http://www. edsour ee. org/today/2012/feds-deny-state-no- child-left-behind-waiver/24676: 2012-12-21/ 2013-07-05.
9John Fensterwald. U.S. Ed Department agrees to review 9 districts' plan for NCLB waiver [EB/OL]. http://www, edsource, org/today/2013/ u-s-ed-depar tment-agrees-t o-revi ew-9- district s-plan-for-nc lb-waiver/29331. 2013- 03-27/ 2013-07-05.
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