针对远海岛礁多为不可登岛,开展远海岛礁大比例尺测图难度大的问题,该文提出了利用GNSS浮标作为海上控制点,探讨GNSS浮标在海岛礁1∶2 000DOM生产中发挥的作用。采用长航时无人机获取试验岛礁高分辨率影像,在无人机常规航线并加摄构架航线的前提下,结合PPP技术,在海岛四周布设GNSS浮标的控制组合方式进行区域网平差和影像生产。试验结果表明,利用此种方法进行远海岛礁大比例尺DOM生产是切实可行的,精度基本满足海岛1∶2 000DOM生产精度要求,研究成果为远海岛礁1∶2 000DOM生产提供了一套合理的解决方案,为远海岛礁大比例尺测图提供参考。
According to the fact that most of the offshore reef is impossible to land that leads to difficulty in developing large scale surveying and mapping of offshore reef, this paper used GNSS buoy as control points in the sea and discussed its role in the 1 : 2 000 DOM production of reef. The long-endurance UAV was used to obtain high-resolution images of the reef; on the basis of UAV regular and control strip and, the regional block adjustment and DOM production were carried out in the control mode of laying out GNSS buoy around the island. Experimental results showed that this method was feasible to produce large scale DOM production and met the accuracy requirement of 1 : 2 000 DOM, which provided a reasonable solution for the 1 : 2 000 DOM production of reef and gave reference value for large scale surveying and mapping of offshore reef.
Science of Surveying and Mapping