目的 了解山东省聊城市女同性恋(LES)人群性行为特征及性传播疾病(STI)知识知晓等情况。方法 于2013—2015年在山东省聊城市通过滚雪球抽样方法,在网络和实地招募调查对象并进行面对面调查。结果 共调查LES 163人,年龄以20~30岁为主,占68.1%(111人);婚姻状况以未婚为主,占71.8%(117人);75.5%在〈20岁发生性行为,65.6%发生过异性性行为,最近半年至少有2个同性性伴侣的占21.4%,11.6%与同性发生过偶然性行为,13.5%最近1年与异性发生过性行为,13.5%与同性发生过器具交,8.0%发生过商业性行为,20.3%月经期间与同性发生过性行为,与同性交换使用性器具的占8.1%,76.5%交换时不清洗或消毒;STI认识程度较低,仅有41.6%的认为同性性行为会传播STI或容易发生生殖系统感染。结论 LES中存在多性伴现象,缺乏健康知识和防护意识,存在生殖健康危险因素。
Objective To examine the status of sexual behavior and sexually transmitted infection (STI)related knowledge among lesbians in Liaocheng city of Shandong province. Methods A face-to-face interview was conducted with a self-designed questionnaire in Liaocheng city between 2013 and 2015 among 163 lesbians recruited via internet or at public places with snow-ball sampling. Results Of the lesbians interviewed,68.1% were aged 20 -30 years;71.8 % were unmarried;75.5% reported sexual behavior before the age of 20 years;and 65.6% reported heterosexual experi- ence. Among the lesbians,21.4% had at least two homosexual partners during the recent six months; 11.6% had casual homosexual behavior; 13.5% had instrumental sex; 8.0% had commercial sex; and 20. 3% had homosexual behavior during menstruation. There were 8. 1% of the lesbians reporting the experience of sharing sexual instrument during homo- sexual acts and 76. 5% of the lesbians using shared sexual instruments without cleaning. The awareness rate of STI related knowledge was low among the lesbians and 41.6% of the lesbians considered possible STI and reproductive tract infec- tion related to homosexual acts. Conclusion The lesbians are at high risk of reproductive system diseases due to multiple homosexual partners and limited knowledge on healthy and safe homosexual behaviors.
Chinese Journal of Public Health