
线性菲涅尔集热器光学特性实例分析与模拟 被引量:2

Optical Analysis and Simulation of a Linear Fresnel Solar Collector
摘要 对线性菲涅尔集热器的聚光性能和光学效率进行了模拟与计算.根据几何光学原理,对集热器镜场各项光学损失(如余弦损失、阴影与遮挡损失)建立数学模型,计算出每项光学损失对应的光学效率.再用TracePro光学软件建立集热器的几何模型,利用光线追踪的方法,模拟入射到镜场的光线在模型空间的传播.光线在模型表面发生吸收、反射和散射等过程,追踪每束光线的光通量,计算得到集热器的光学效率和聚光比等性能参数.结果表明:通过数学模型和光学软件模拟得出的集热器光学效率一致,2种方法分别从细节与整体上剖析了影响集热器光学性能的因素,在集热器设计中可以结合使用,互相补充. The optical efficiency and concentrating property of a linear Fresnel solar collector were calculated mathematically and simulated optically. Based on the principles of geometrical optics, mathematical models of relative optical losses (cosine loss, shading & blocking loss, etc. ) in the collector mirror field were established so as to calculate related optical efficiency corresponding to each energy loss). Meanwhile, geometrical models of the collector were created using software TracePro to simulate the transmission of ray incident to the mirror field in model space by ray tracing method, including the absorption, refleeting and scattering of ray on the model surface, thus the optical efficiency and concentration ratio of the collector could be calculated by tracing the radiation flux of the ray. Results show that the optical efficiency obtained respectively by methamatical and geometrical model agrees well with one another. The detail and integral analysis on factors influencing the optical performance of linear Fresnel solar collectors may serve as a reference for the design of similar collectors, which may be used in combination or be mutually complementary with each other.
出处 《动力工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期563-568,共6页 Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering
基金 南方电网有限责任公司科技基金资助项目(K-GD2013-0489) 国家科技支撑计划课题资助项目(2012BAA05B04)
关键词 线性菲涅尔集热器 镜场参数 光学效率 能流密度分布 聚光比 linear Fresnel collector mirror field parameters optical efficiency energy flux distribution concentration ratio
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