
职业足球联赛中单边续约选择条款问题研究 被引量:2

The Issue of Unilateral Option Clause in Footballer's Contract
摘要 足球球员合同中的单边续约选择条款是足球法律与实务经常面对的问题。单边续约选择条款作为一项财政平衡与球员控制机制,有助于俱乐部降低财政风险,同时保持足球运动的竞争平衡。但是,由于单边选择条款在实践中往往因其仅有利于俱乐部一方的单边性特征,违反了国际足球联合会(以下简称"国际足联")关于球员合同的基本规则,而被国际足联争议解决庭与国际体育仲裁院认定无效。然而,国际足联争议解决庭与国际体育仲裁庭在实践中对此类问题的处理所遵循的路径不同,国际足联争议解决庭倾向于否定该条款的合法性,而国际体育仲裁庭则采用的是一种以案件为中心的审查路径,充分考查每个案件背后呈现的特殊性,来决定该条款的合法性。俱乐部应当根据不同情况对植入单边选择条款的过程进行改造,同时,注意履约过程中遵循合同法与劳动法的基本原则,充分尊重并保障球员的知情权与契约自由,进而实现足球职业联赛中合同稳定性与自由流动性之间的动态平衡。 The Unilateral Option Clause in footballer's contract is a common practice in the area of football law and management.As a financial and player control mechanism,the unilateral option clause is used to reduce the financial risk of the club and to keep the competitive balance.However,due to the optional clause's‘unilateral'feature,and in violation of the legal framework of regulations of FIFA,Dispute Resolution Center of FIFA(DRC)and Court of Arbitration of Sports(CAS)are always inclined to declare the unilateral extension option invalid.The guiding criteria for deciding the option clause's validity is gradually formed by DRC and CAS during the dealing process.Nevertheless,DRC and CAS show different approaches to deal with the disputed unilateral optional clause,DRC is more inclined to declare its invalid,while CAS adopts to take a case by case approach to assess the option clause's validity and fully checking the background specifics of each case.Football Clubs should rebuilt and transform the unilateral optional clause in accordance with the relative criteria,and at meantime fully respect and protect the footballer's right of known and freedom of choice by strictly abiding by the principle of contract law and labor law during the process of performing the contract,which will contribute to keep the balance of contractual stability and player mobility in modern football world.
作者 席志文
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期51-58,90,共9页 China Sport Science and Technology
关键词 单边选择条款 足球运动员 合同 俱乐部 unilateral option clause player contract football club
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