
可变环宽的有源滤波器在微电网中的应用 被引量:3

Application of the Active Filter of Variable Ring Width in the Microgrid
摘要 由于常规滞环控制方式使逆变器开关频率高且频率变化范围大,针对此问题提出了一种变环宽度的滞环控制方法,对可变环宽的滞环控制方式的工作原理进行了简要的说明,并投入到有源滤波器中进行验证,仿真结果验证了改进的有源滤波器的开关频率明显降低。光伏发电系统中含有大量的电力电子设备,因此会产生大量谐波。将有源滤波器应用到光伏系统中,达到消除系统谐波的目的。通过PSCAD仿真分析得以验证。 Because of the high switching frequency and wide frequency range of the conventional hysteresis control mode, this paper proposes a variable ring width hysteresis control method for this problem. This paper briefly describes the working principle of the hysteresis loop control method with adaptive variable ring width, and puts it into the active power filter. The simulation results show that the switching frequency of the improved active power filter is obviously reduced. The photovoltaic power generation system contains a large number of power electronic equipment, and it produces a large number of harmonics. In this paper, the active filter is applied to the photovoltaic system, which can eliminate the harmonic of the system. The PSCAD simulation analysis has verified the effec- tiveness of the method.
作者 李颖 余向阳
出处 《电网与清洁能源》 北大核心 2016年第6期73-76,84,共5页 Power System and Clean Energy
基金 陕西省协同创新计划(2014XT-21)~~
关键词 可变环宽 滞环控制 有源滤波器 光伏发电 variable ring width hysteresis control active filter photovoltaic power generation
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