研究了高效液相色谱法紫外检测器同时测定动物源食品鸡肉中7种磺胺类药物和4种沙星类药物含量的方法,采用色谱柱为C18(atlantis),4.6mm×250mm×5μm,流动相为磷酸溶液—乙腈(85+15,v/v),紫外检测波长为270nm,流速1.0m L/min,进样量50μL,7种磺胺类药物和4种沙星类药物在0.1~0.4mg/L范围内具有良好的线性关系,在添加浓度为0.08mg/kg、0.12 mg/kg、0.16 mg/kg时,7种磺胺类药物和4种沙星类药物的回收率80%左右,RSD小于5%。本方法操作简单、快速、精密度高、线性范围宽,适用于鸡肉中7种磺胺类药物和4种沙星类药物的同时测定。
High performance liquid chromatography ultraviolet method for the determination of SAS and Xa-cin chicken content,Reversed-phase chromatography column C18(atlantis),4.6mm×250mm×5μm,Mobile phase for phosphoric acid fl uid – acetonitrile(85+15,v/v),Ultraviolet detected wavelength is 270 nm,flow rate 1.0ml/min,injection volume of 50μL.SAS and Xa-cin in the range of 0.1ppm^0.4ppm with a good linear relationship on the added 0.08mg/kg、0.12 mg/kg、0.16 mg/kg of SAS and Xa-cin Add a recovery rate of 80%,RSD is less than 5%,The method is simple,rapid,high precision,linear range for the determination of SAs and Xa-cin chicken content.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications