
四足机器人启动步态设计及稳定性分析 被引量:5

Start Gait Design and Stability Analysis of a Quadruped Robot
摘要 为保证四足机器人在以离线规划的对角步态行走过程中的稳定性,通过分析机器人行走的数学及力学模型而设计一种由静止状态启动至稳定运行过程的多步变步长启动步态,首先建立了从启动到稳定运行过渡过程中四足机器人的运动学模型,使用MATLAB软件计算求得机器人启动过程中各个关节的运动节律角度数据,并在adams动力学仿真分析软件中进行了物理样机模型的对角步态行走测试。仿真分析及样机试验结果验证了,该启动步态能够有效的防止机器人因单步启动时姿态偏角过大所造成的冲击并保证行走时的平稳性。 In order to ensure the stability of a quadruped robot walking with off-line planned trot gait,a new starting gait with many variable steps has been designed,and the mathematical and mechanical models of a quadruped robot have been constructed from the start to the stable walking. We use the MATLAB software to calculate out the data of the movement rule for every joint during the starting process,then put the data into the Adams dynamics simulation software for test-walking of the physical prototype model. Results of the experiment indicate that compared to the single-step start gait,this new start gait can minimize the posture-angle of the robot and effectively prevent the robot have a dramatic impact on the ground,besides the new start gait will keep the robot walking stably.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1169-1175,共7页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
关键词 四足机器人 启动步态 姿态偏角 稳定性 robot stability mathematical model MATLAB dynamics simulation
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