
IL 12B基因多态性与Graves病相关性的Meta分析

Meta-analysis of the association between IL 12B gene polymorphism and Graves' disease
摘要 目的 Meta分析评价IL 12B基因3'UTR 1188A/C多态性与Graves病的相关性。方法设定入选条件,检索Pub Med、EMbase、中国知网、重庆维普、万方数据库,收集关于IL12B基因3'UTR 1188A/C多态性与Graves病相关性的文献,对符合入选条件的研究进行异质性检验Meta分析,计算不同遗传模型下1188A/C多态性与Graves病发病的相关性。结果 5篇文献纳入研究,包括747名病例和698名对照。合并分析结果显示,IL12B基因3'UTR 1188A/C多态性与Graves病发病风险性无统计学意义(显性遗传模型:OR=1.18,95%CI=0.24~2.17,P=0.59;隐性遗传模型:OR=1.61,95%CI=0.97~2.67,P=0.06;等位基因模型:OR=1.32,95%CI=0.93~1.87,P=0.12)。对3个日本人群的研究进行亚组分析,结果亦未发现1188A/C多态位点的变异与GD发病有统计学相关性(显性遗传模型:OR=0.78,95%CI=0.45~1.37,P=0.39;隐性遗传模型:OR=1.15,95%CI=0.87~1.52,P=0.31;等位基因模型:OR=0.99,95%CI=0.83~1.18,P=0.92)。结论 IL12B基因1188A/C多态性可能与GD发病相关性无关,但由于研究样本数较少,尚需大样本研究加以证实。 Objective To assess the association between 1188 A/C polymorphism of IL12 B 3'UTR and Graves' disease(GD) by meta-analysis.Methods The relevant studies about the correlation between IL12 B 3' UTR1188 A/C polymorphism and GD were collected by searching Pub Med,EMbase,CNKI,VIP and CBM according to the inclusion criteria.Heterogeneity tests and meta-analysis were conducted.Results Five studies consisting of747 cases and 698 controls were included.The results of meta-analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the 1188 A/C polrmorphism of IL12 B 3'UTR and GD(for dominant genetic model:OR = 1.18,95%CI = 0.24 ~ 2.17,P = 0.59;for recessive genetic mode:OR = 1.61,95% CI = 0.97 ~ 2.67,P = 0.06;for allelic genetic model:OR = 1.32,95% CI = 0.93 ~ 1.87,P = 0.12).In the 3 Japanese studies of the correlation between 1188 A/C polymorphism and the susceptibility of GD,no statistically signicant correlation was found(for dominant genetic model:OR = 0.78,95% CI = 0.45 ~ 1.37,P = 0.39;for recessive genetic mode:OR = 1.15,95% CI = 0.87 ~ 1.52,P = 0.31;for allelic genetic model:OR = 0.99,95% CI = 0.83 ~ 1.18,P = 0.92).Conclusion There is no significant correlation between IL 12 B 3'UTR 1188 A/C polymorphism and GD.
出处 《遵义医学院学报》 2016年第3期293-296,共4页 Journal of Zunyi Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(NO:81402351) 安徽省重点实验室项目(NO:1306C083008)
关键词 GRAVES病 IL12B 基因多态性 META分析 Graves disease IL12B gene polymorphism Meta-analysis
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