利用2013年11月─12月哈尔滨机场的主导能见度和哈尔滨市区11个颗粒物监测站点(包括PM 2.5和PM 10等7种颗粒物)的质量浓度数据资料进行计算,分析了哈尔滨机场能见度与颗粒物质量浓度的相关关系。结果表明:平均ρ(PM 2.5)和ρ(PM 10)与能见度的r(相关系数)分别为-0.591、-0.567,7种颗粒物中能见度与ρ(PM 2.5)的相关性最显著。在11个站点中,道外承德广场站点出现的最高相关系数次数最多,相关程度的高低与距离机场的直线距离没有直接的关系,机场的相对湿度和能见度的相关最好,不同的相对湿度区间里,R H≤80%时,PM 2.5和能见度相关程度最高;其次是R H>90%区间,三个区间的相关系数都在0.55以上。
Taking use of prevailing visibility of Harbin airport and 11 monitoring sites(including PM2.5 and PM10 total seven kinds of PM) for PM from November to December in 2013. The mass concentration data information were calculated,and analyzed the relationship between Harbin airport visibility and PM mass concentration. The results showed that: the average ρ(PM2.5) and r(correlation coefficient) between ρ(PM10) and visibility were-0.591,-0.567, the relevance between visibility and ρ(PM2.5) among seven kinds of PM is the most significant. In the 11 sites, the highest correlation coefficient occurs the most times in Chengde Plaza site of Daowai district. Degree of correlation has no direct relation with straight-line distance to airport, relative humidity and visibility of airport is the best. In the section of different relative humidity, when RH≤80%, relevance between PM2.5 and visibility is the highest; followed by the section when RH 90%,correlation coefficient of three sections are all above 0.55.
Heilongjiang Science