目的分析在临床当中存在高血压症状的患者的血压变异性和脑梗死之间的关系。方法随机选取我院2014年6月~2015年6月接诊的50例原发性高血压的患者,将其作为A组(单一高血压);选取同期高血压并发脑梗死的患者50例,将其作为B组(合并脑梗死),在患者入院后的72个小时里,进行24小时连续性动态血压监测操作,对照并计算两组患者在24小时、日间、晚间的血压平均数值、血压的负荷数值,对照分析血压变异性和血压昼夜的节律性。结果 B组24小时、日间、晚间的血压平均数值、血压的负荷数值和变异性都要明显地高于A组,且SBP、DBP在晚间的下降程度要明显地低于A组,对比差异有统计学意义,P〈0.01。结论原发性高血压患者发生脑梗死的情况和其血压的变异性有一定的临床关联性。
Objective To analyze the relationship between hypertension symptoms in clinic patients with blood pressure variability and cerebral infarction.Methods 50 cases of patients in our hospital from June 2014 to June 2015 who were primary hypertension patients were randomly selected as A group(single hypertension); 50 cases of patients with hypertension complicated with cerebral infarction were selected as the B group(cerebral infarction).Within 72 hours after admission,24 hours of continuous dynamic blood pressure monitoring,control and calculation of two groups of patients in 24 hours,the average blood pressure at night during the day,numerical load,numerical control of blood pressure,rhythm of blood pressure variability and circadian blood pressure.Results 24 hours,the whole day's average blood pressure,blood pressure variability and load values of B group were significantly higher than that of group A.And SBP,DBP in the evening to decline were significantly lower than group A,there was a statistically significant difference,P〈0.01.Conclusion Patients with primary hypertension patients with cerebral infarction and its blood pressure variability has a certain clinical relevance.
China Continuing Medical Education
Blood pressure variability
Cerebral infarction
Clinical relevance