

An Overview on the Forms and Remediation of Aquatic Arsenic
摘要 在矿山有色和贵金属资源开发过程中,大量的伴生矿物砷被开采而裸露于地表,增加了对周围水体及土壤环境污染的风险。为充分了解水体中砷的存在形态与具体除砷工艺选择的关系,在结合前人工作的基础上,分析了含砷废水中溶液p H值、氧化还原电位(Eh)、共存阴阳离子和溶解性有机物等各种影响因素对砷的存在形态的影响,总结了化学法、物理法及生态修复等各种除砷技术的适用范围和应用条件;结合具体工程案例,对矿山实际选冶过程中产生的含砷废水的处理情况进行了说明,以期为其他工业生产中含砷废水的无害化处理和修复技术开发提供技术参考。 In the process of non-ferrous and precious metals mining resources development,large amounts of arsenic associated minerals are exposed on the surface,increased the risk of water and soil environmental pollution.In order to realize the relationship between existing forms and specific arsenic removal process,on the basis of predecessors' achievements,the paper considered that the pH, oxidation-reduction potential (Eh),coexisted ions and dissolved organic compounds have great effect on As species in wastewaters.Consequently,numerous common chemical, physical and biological treatment methods and applications were summarized in this study.Moreover,the treatment cases of actual mine wastewater were described to provide knowledge for the development of novel as treatment technologies in other industrial wastewaters.
作者 季常青
出处 《黄金科学技术》 CSCD 2016年第3期111-115,共5页 Gold Science and Technology
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目"难处理金矿热压工艺中砷的转化与迁移及无害化研究"(编号:2014J06021)资助
关键词 含砷废水 环境污染 存在形态 修复技术 arsenic-containing wastewater environmental poyution existing forms remediation techniques
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