

From Racist to Internationalist——On the Gradation of Jack London's Viewpoint on Races
摘要 长期以来,杰克·伦敦一直被认为是一个种族主义者。其有关非白人种族,特别是亚洲的书写也一直被认为是其对亚洲等"劣等"种族的歧视。但是他出身于社会底层的人生经历又使其对不同种族受压迫、受剥削阶层的人民充满了同情与尊重,因而不能简单地将杰克·伦敦等同于种族主义者。事实上,从日俄战争的战地记者经历到"蛇鲨号"太平洋之旅的描述,以及他的"泛太平洋俱乐部"的呼吁中,杰克·伦敦的种族观经历了一个从种族主义者到国际主义者的视角上的转变,体现了杰克·伦敦对非白人种族从歧视到理解、同情再到欣赏、赞美及最后发出互相了解、互相尊重、和平共处、成立"泛太平洋俱乐部"的呼吁与期许的渐变过程。 For a long time, Jack London has always been accused of being a racist who despised Asiansas the "inferior" in his writings about the non-white, especially about Asia. But his experiences in the lowerend of life enabled him to cast sympathy and respect for the downtrodden people in spite of their races, so JackLondon cannot be simply defined as a racist. In fact, His experience as a reporter in the Russo-Japanese War,his narration about his Pacific journey in Snark and his request for building up the"Pan-Pacific"Club, from allthese, one can see Jack London's viewpoint on races undergoes a gradual changing in perspectives from a rac-ist to an internationalist, revealing the gradation in his viewpoint on races: from discrimination to understand-ing and sympathy, then to appreciation and praise and at last to advocacy and wishes.
作者 李滨
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2016年第4期56-59,91,共5页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
关键词 杰克·伦敦 种族观 渐变性 国际主义者 Jack London viewpoint on races gradation internationalist
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