清代,满汉语言接触与交流,催生了大量满语新词,并被系统地编入满语辞书。汉语的"额手""以手加额"皆被翻译成giogin arambi,进而释义为"手合掌""举手加额""问讯"等,满语释义为galai juwe falanggūbe ilibume kamcifi gungneme tukiyecere"将手之两掌竖立,并起,恭敬上举"。随着翻译活动的扩展,giogin arambi在满汉合璧文献中被译为"额手""以手加额","合掌""叉手",其语义的理解更加复杂。陈治文的专论《释"额手""额手称(相)庆""以手加额"》将"额手"释义为"拍手",将"以手加额"释义为古礼"拱手加额",无疑为满语词组giogin arambi的语义分析提供了重要依据。"额手"义为"手合掌而拍","以手加额"义为"拱手作揖"。
The Manchu Buddhism word giogin arambi can express clasping hands,enquiry,and hands up to forehead. giogin arambi can be translated into putting hands together,and greetings,which mean respect,festivity and joy in Manchu-Chinese books and dictionaries. As the Manchu Chinese translations develop,giogin arambi can be used as Chinese traditional ritual. In Manchu translated Buddhism,clasping hands and hands on hips both can be translated into giogin arambi,whereas enquiry translated into sain be fonjimbi. The wide use of hands up to forehead and putting hands together are closely related to imperial edict and memorials.
Manchu Studies