
基于协同创新网络演化视角下地方高校创新驱动运行机制研究 被引量:2

Research on Local Universities' Innovation- driven Operating Mechanism Based on the Evolutionary Perspective of Collaborative Innovation Network
摘要 在全球进入科技创新与产业变革深度融合的时代背景下,作为区域创新体系中的重要主体之一的地方普通高校,如何构建协同创新网络、实施创新驱动发展战略,有效服务地方经济社会发展,成为地方普通高校内涵发展和质量提升的关键。文章在分析协同创新网络演化下的多层级创新驱动机理基础上,结合当前地方普通高校创新发展面临的困境与现实问题,从项目驱动与过程管理、绩效导向与评价问责、共生演化与协同治理、利益共享与风险共担四个维度深入剖析了地方普通高校创新驱动的运行机制。 Under the background of global scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation into the depth of integration,as one of the important subject in the regional innovation system,how to build collaborative innovation networks,implement innovation- driven development strategy to effectively serve the local economic and social development has become a key connotation for local universities. This paper undertakes an in- depth analysis of the mechanism of multi- level innovation- driven basis under the collaborative innovation network evolution,analyses the local universities' innovation- driven operating mechanism by combining with the current plight of local innovation and practical problems facing the development of universities,from four dimensions of project management and process- driven,performance- oriented accountability and evaluation,co- evolution and symbiosis management,benefit- sharing and risk- sharing.
作者 李华军
出处 《内蒙古财经大学学报》 2016年第4期72-77,共6页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
基金 广东省软科学项目(2015A070704064) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2014A030310247) 广东省教育厅普通高校创新人才类项目(2014WQNCX159)
关键词 地方普通高校 创新驱动 运行机制 协同创新 local university innovation-driven operating mechanism collaborative innovation
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