
美国图书馆自闭症儿童服务及其推动因素研究 被引量:12

Study on American Library Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Enabling Factors
摘要 美国图书馆自闭症儿童服务包括编制入馆指南、举办感统故事会、邀请自闭症儿童家庭探访图书馆、建立暑期读书俱乐部、为自闭症家庭提供支持服务等。其推动因素包括残疾人保障法律的要求、研究的促进、全国性或地区性资助项目的支持、馆员培训与同行经验分享工作的开展等。其给我国图书馆界带来的启示为:为特殊人群提供特殊服务,要求图书馆服务更加细分和专业;作为促进社会包容的公共空间,图书馆能够为自闭症儿童融入社会提供支持;图书馆员的角色至关重要,等等。 Services provided by American libraries for children with autism spectrum disorder include editing library guide, carrying out sensory storytime, inviting the family visiting the library, establishing summer reading club, and providing supportive service for families with autistic children.The enabling factors includ the disabled legal requirements, positive impact of research findings, national or regional supportive funds, librarian training and peer experience sharing, etc.. The enlightments it brings to Chinese libraries are: providing professional service for the special groups, library service should be subdivided and specialized, as a public space to improve social inclusion, the library could give supports for children with autism spectrum disorder, and the role of librarians is vital important.
作者 邓咏秋 张婧
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期63-68,共6页 Library Development
基金 中国图书馆学会专项资金项目"建立图书馆阅读推广人机制研究"的成果之一
关键词 美国 图书馆服务 自闭症儿童 推动因素 America Library service Children with autism pectrum disorder Enabling factor
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