
略论明代易学的形成、演变及意义 被引量:3

On the Formation,Evolution,and Significance of Changes Scholarship in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)
摘要 明代易学在理学、心学、佛学三者相互碰撞与交融的学术背景下形成,反映了此一时期学术文化发展的理路与特色。明代定理学于一尊,易学以程朱之说为正宗。然程朱易学在明代盛行之时,又出现了完全不同于程朱易学乃至反对程朱易学的势力:一是心学视域下的易学,一是以恢复汉学考辨传统为宗旨的象学。明代易学经历了由独尊程朱到修正批判程朱即以心学和佛学解《易》,继而转向调和理学与心学、融通儒学与佛学的演进历程,故往往表现出融合象数与义理、心学与理学、道家与儒学的鲜明特点。明代易学的价值在于确立了程朱易学在明清时期的法定权威地位,承传整合了以程朱为主流的宋代易学,在某些方面修正了宋代易学的缺陷,推动了易学的发展,是易学史上不可缺少的重要环节。尽管清人对明代经学水平多有非议,我们仍不宜一味抹杀明代易学的学术贡献。 The Ming(1368-1644)scholarship on the Changetook its form under the academic background when the Learning of Principle(li xue 理学),Learning of Heart-mind(xin xue 心学),and Buddhism impacted and learned from each other,which reflected the path and features of the development of academia and culture during this period.In the Ming dynasty,the Learning of Principle(credited to the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi[1130-1200])enjoyed an unrivaled prestige and accordingly the Changes of Cheng and Zhu were established as the orthodoxy in regard to Changes scholarship.However,when Chengs' and Zhu's Changes were in vogue in the Ming dynasty,there appeared two forces disparate or opposite to Chengs' and Zhu's Changes,among which one was the Changes scholarship under the vision of the Learning of Heart-mind,the other being the imagery school aiming to restore the textual research of the Han(206BCE-220CE)Changes tradition.The Ming Changes scholarship experienced a course of evolution from only venerating Chengs' and Zhu's Yi learning to amending and criticizing their learning,i.e.,interpreting the Changes from perspectives of the Learning of Heart-mind and Buddhism,then tothe reconciliation of the learning of Principle and that of Heart-mind,and finally to the synthesis of Confucianism and Buddhism.So,the Changes scholarship in the Ming dynasty is apparently characterized by the fusion of image-numerology and meaning-principle,conflation of the learning of heart-mind and that of principle,and coalescence of Daoism and Confucianism.The value of the Ming Changes scholarship lies in its establishment of the authoritative position of Chengs' and Zhu's Changes in the Ming(1368-1644)and Qing(1616-1912)dynasties,its succession and correction to some extent of the Song(960-1279)Changes scholarship where Chengs' and Zhu's Changes formed the mainstream,and the formation of its particular outlook on the Changes,pushing the development of Changes scholarship forward and constituting an indispensible link in the history of Yi learning.Although many Qing(1616-1912)scholars were highly critical of the Ming classical studies,we should not blindly blot out academic contributions made by the scholarship on the Changes in the Ming dynasty.
作者 林忠军 张沛
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 2016年第3期37-43,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:"象数易学史研究"(11AZX004) 泰山学者工程专项经费资助
关键词 独尊宋易 心学易 佛学易 汉学易 调和融通 易学价值 ruling role of the Song Yi tradition Heart-mind-Learning-oriented Changes Buddhism-oriented Changes Han Yi tradition synthesis value of the Yi learning
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