
二阶输出反馈滑模极值搜索控制方法 被引量:1

Output-feedback extremum seeking control method with second-order sliding mode
摘要 针对一类单输入单输出(single-input-single-output,SISO)非线性极值系统的控制问题,提出了一种二阶输出反馈滑模极值搜索控制方法。考虑到此系统的状态量不可测,利用斜坡函数作为输出量的参考跟踪信号,以系统的输出跟踪误差及其微分信号构建切换函数,设计出二阶滑模极值搜索控制律。稳定性分析证明了在任意初始条件下,该方法可使系统的输出量全局收敛至其期望极值的任意小邻域内且所有状态量均是一致范数有界。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。 A output-feedback extremum seeking control method with second-order sliding mode is proposed for a class of single-input-single-output(SISO)nonlinear extremum systems.Considering the system's states are unmeasurable,the control method uses a simple ramp time function as the reference signal of the system's output,constructs the sliding mode manifold by using the output tracking error and its derivative,and designs the extremum seeking control law with second-order sliding mode.The stability analysis shows that a nonlinear extremum system with the proposed control method is possible to achieve an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the desired optimal point under all initial conditions,and all the states in the closed-loop system remain uniformly bounded.Simulation results are presented to illustrate the good performance of the proposed control method.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1892-1898,共7页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60674090) 中国博士后科学基金(2013M542480)资助课题
关键词 非线性极值系统 输出反馈 极值搜索控制 二阶滑模控制 nonlinear extremum system output-feedback extremum seeking control second-order sliding mode control
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