
“道”在加里·斯奈德生态诗学中的构建 被引量:5

The Construction of the Tao in Gary Snyder's Ecopoetics
摘要 加里·斯奈德是美国当代著名的生态诗人,其创作的诗歌和散文作品极具影响力,体现了他对宗教、哲学、生态、文化、语言、人生等多领域的深层思考,其中有些经典作品集中反映了斯奈德对"道"的独特领悟。本文通过语料库数据和文本分析,着重从可循之道、径外之道、行之道、道之道、佛之道这五个方面对斯奈德的作品进行深层解读,以探讨和分析"道"在斯奈德生态诗学体系中所蕴含的哲理。 Gary Snyder is a well-known contemporary American ecopoet, whose works is a reflection of his profound thoughts generated in many fields ranging from religion, phi- losophy, ecology, culture, linguistics to lifestyle as a result of his long pursuit. Based on his seminal prosaic and poetic works concerning the Tao, five aspects are mainly examined within this text. the Tao that can be followed, the Tao that is off the trail, the Tao that de- notes the practice, the Tao that signifies the Way, and the Tao that entails Buddhist thoughts. Through corpus data and textual analysis, this paper, on a philosophical level, aims to explore the deep structure of the Tao involved in the construction of Gary Snyder's ecopoetics.
作者 谭琼琳 仇艳
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期166-182,共17页 Comparative Literature in China
基金 国家社科项目"美国现代绘画诗中的中国物化文化改写审美研究"(编号11BWW012) 湖南省社科项目"追寻寒山复活的足迹:美国现代派作家的东方隐士精神"(编号2010YBA051)
关键词 加里·斯奈德 道之上 径之外 Gary Snyder Tao on the path off the trail
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