
灵活就业流动人口养老保险服务研究——基于社会融合视角 被引量:12

A Study of Pension Insurance Service for Migrant Population with Flexible Jobs: A Study Based on the Perspective of Social Integration
摘要 户籍制度引致的城乡二元结构让灵活就业流动人口难以真正融入城市公共服务体系,也给养老保险扩面工作带来困难。区别于既有研究侧重于流动人口养老保险政策和制度的调整,并基于经济融合、心理融合、社会接纳三个社会融合的维度,我们对浙江、四川进行了专项调研,分析了灵活就业流动人口参加社会养老保险意愿不高的原因,发现缴费能力低、城市归属感不强、就业地政策排斥是制约该群体在城市长期居留和养老参保的主要因素。为此,政府应着力提升该人群的个体人力资本,搭建社区交流平台,拓宽其社会融合的意见表达渠道,进而推动养老保险扩面服务。 The dual structure between the rural areas and the cities caused by the household registration system prevents migrant workers from integrating into cities' public service system and brings difficulties to the expansion of pension insurance service coverage. Different from others' researches that focus on the adjustment of migrant population' s pension insurance policies and regulations, this research, based upon the three dimensions in social integration, i.e. economic integration, psychological integration, and social acceptance, studies specifically the cases in Zhejiang and Sichuan in order to find the reasons why migrant workers with flexible jobs have a comparatively low inclination to join pension insurance system..We find that these migrant workers' lack of ability to pay for their insurance, the absence of their sense of belonging to the city they live in, and exclusion of local policies are the main reasons that prevent migrant workers from permanent settlement in the city and from joining pension insurance. As a result, we recommend that government should raise migrant workers' individual human capital, establish a community through which migrant workers can more fully exchange their views and have their opinions about social integration more sufficiently expressed. Only in this way can the society really expand the coverage of pension insurance service.
作者 孙涛 谢东明
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期111-121,共11页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(12JZD022) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NKZXTD1103)
关键词 户籍制度 灵活就业 流动人口 社会融合 养老保险 Household Registration System Flexible Employment Migrant Population Social Integration Pension Insurance
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