

Association between pre- and post-natal living environments and behavioral sexual dimorphism in preschool aged children
摘要 目的研究学龄前儿童出生前后环境暴露与其两性角色行为的相关性。方法于2014年5—7月,以青岛市黄岛区主要幼儿园1 339名儿童为调查对象,采用自行设计调查问卷搜集儿童的周围环境及孕期暴露情况,同时填写反映儿童性别角色行为量表(PSAI)。结果父亲宽松的养育方法(β=0.085,P<0.05)和高的受教育程度(β=0.142,P<0.01)与女童的女性化得分升高有关;父亲宽松的养育方法(β=0.129,P<0.01)与男童男性化得分升高有关,但是父亲的受教育程度(β=-0.144,P<0.001)与男童的女性化得分呈负相关。手部洁净程度较差(β=-0.091,P<0.01)及幼儿园的化学气味(β=-0.129,P<0.05)均与男童的女性化得分较低有关。孕期服药及被动吸烟状况仅与男童的男性化得分呈正相关。结论学龄前儿童出生后周围生活环境中的化学物质暴露及父母的教养环境能够影响儿童的性别角色行为,对男童的性别角色行为需要考虑出生前孕期环境暴露。 Objective To explore the association between pre- and post-natal living environments and behavioral sexual dimorphism in preschool aged children. Methods Self-designed questionnaire was used to collect the pre- and post-natal environmental information in 1 339 preschool-age children of one district in Qingdao of Shandong province between May and July in 2014. The Pre-School Activity Inventory(PSAI) were filled simultaneously. Results The relaxed care style(β=0.085,P〈0.05) and higher education(β=0.142,P〈0.01) of fathers showed positive association with feminine scores in girls. The relaxed care style of fathers(β=0.129,P〈0.01) indicated positive association with masculine scores in boys. However,father's education(β=-0.144,P〈0.001) showed negative association with feminine scores in boys. Hand cleanliness(β=-0.091,P〈0.01) and odor at the kindergarten(β=-0.129,P〈0.05) showed a negative association with feminine scores in boys. A positive association of masculine scores with taking drugs(β=0.094,P〈0.05) or passive smoking(β=0.132,P〈0.01) during pregnancy was evident only in boys. Conclusion The results indicated that a social environment of parental guidance and an indoor environment of exposure to chemical are associated with behavioral sexual dimorphism. Information about the gestational environment also should be considered when studying the development of sexual dimorphism in boys.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期400-404,共5页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 国家自然科学基金(81372955) 青岛市2014年度医药科研指导计划项目(2014-WJZD164)
关键词 学龄前儿童 性别角色行为 室内环境 环境暴露 神经毒性 Preschool children Behavioral sexual dimorphism Indoor environment Environmental exposure Neurotoxicity
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