针对便携式无线通信应用,基于嵌入式软件无线电平台USRP E110设计实现了以二进制相移键控(BPSK)为调制方式的无线通信系统。在该系统中,ARM处理器作为处理核心,实现全部基带信号处理;FPGA(field programmable gate array)与射频子板作为射频前端,实现数字上下变频、中频与射频信号转换等;GNU Radio开源框架作为软件开发平台,以流图的形式实现各基带信号处理,如加扰与解扰、BPSK调制与解调等。实际测试结果表明,该系统可实现数据收发,并且可以灵活配置收发频率、发射功率等参数,具有体积小、功耗低等优点。
Using the embedded software defined radio platform USRP E110 ,a wireless communication system which uses binary phase shift keying (BPSK) as the modulation method is implemented for portable wireless communication applications .In this system ,the ARM processor acts as the processing core , implementing all baseband signal processing ;FPGA (field programmable gate array ) and radio frequency daughter board act radio frequency front-end , where digital up convert or digital down convert and the transition between the IF signal and the radio-frequency signal are implemented on ;and GNU radio acts as the software development platform ,implementing the base band signal processing in the form of a flow graph ,such as scrambling and perturbation ,BPSK modulation and demodulation .The results show that ,the system can transmit and receive data using various parameters such as RF frequency ,transmitted power and so on ,which is portable and low power .
Electronic Measurement Technology