
德国双元制职业教育质量保障指标体系构建 被引量:3

Construction of the Quality Assurance Indicator for Dual System Vocational Educational in Germany
摘要 职业教育质量指标体系是监测职业教育运行状况和评价教育质量的重要参照标准和操作依据,是对职业教育进行科学管理的有效手段。为应对全球化背景下企业发展对高素质劳动者的需求,德国建立了以保证学生职业能力培养、培训企业和职业学校合作育人为特点的双元制职业教育质量保障指标体系。德国职业教育质量指标体系是依据全面的、过程性和以人为本的教育质量观,由宏观、中观及微观三个层级,输入、过程、输出与长效质量四个环节构成的标准体系。借助该体系能够全方位、多角度地控制和改进职业教育质量,有效促进学生能力发展。 Vocational education quality indicator system is an important reference standard and operating basis for monitoring the performance situation of vocational education and evaluating its quality. In response to the enterprise development under the background of globalization for the demand of the high-quality workforce, Germany set up the quality assurance index system for dual system vocational education characterized by students' vocational ability training, enterprise cooperation and vocational school education, as well as an effective means for the scientific management of vocational education. German vocational education quality indicator system is a standard system, which is based on a comprehensive, process-oriented and people-centered educational quality view, and composed of macro, meso and micro levels and and four nodes including input, process, output and outcome quality. With this system, the quality of vocational education can be controlled comprehensively and improved from multi-perspective, the development of students' competence can be effectively promoted.
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2016年第13期75-79,共5页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 全国教育科学“十二五”规划教育部重点课题“20世纪德国社会变迁与教育思想的演进”(DOA120325),主持人:郭志明 国家社会科学基金一般项目(教育学)“应用技术型高校标准体系研究”(BJA150055),主持人:李向东
关键词 德国 双元制 职业教育 质量指标 体系 Germany dual system vocational education quality indicator system
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