
干旱灾害的西方人类学研究述评 被引量:4

Literature Review of Western Anthropological Studies on Drought Disaster
摘要 西方人类学干旱灾害研究主要讨论基于人类学学科视角的干旱灾害定义、起因与后果,分析因干旱灾害而导致的冲突、饥荒、难民等社会问题,探索不同地区、不同文化背景的干旱灾害应对方式。干旱灾害与其他类型的灾害一样,很大程度上是一种文化现象,是社会文化构建的产物。干旱灾害的人类学解释框架涉及内容广泛,具有跨学科性质的环境和社会脆弱性、生态韧性等理论也得到重视。干旱灾害的跨文化比较研究和应用人类学研究体现出多学科合作的优势。 Western anthropologists mainly discuss the definition of drought disaster,its causes and impacts according to the perspective of anthropology,and analyze social issues such as conflicts,famine and refugees resulted from drought disaster,and explore responses to the drought disaster in different regions and cultural backgrounds.like many other types of disasters,drought disaster is a cultural phenomenon to a great extent.It is a product of social and cultural construction.The framework of theoretical explanation on drought disaster covers many topics. Some interdisciplinary theories including environmental vulnerability and ecological resilience are also emphasized by western anthropologists.Crosscultural comparative study and applied anthropology on drought disaster reveal the advantage of multi-disciplinary cooperation.
作者 李永祥
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期111-122,126,共12页 Ethno-National Studies
关键词 干旱灾害 人类学 西方研究 drought disaster anthropology western studies of drought disaster
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