
实时超声弹性成像观察孕晚期宫颈应变特性 被引量:6

Cervical strain characteristics observed by real-time ultrasound elastography in late third trimester
摘要 目的:探讨实时超声弹性成像技术用于观察孕晚期宫颈应变特性的临床价值。方法:收集孕晚期孕妇142例,经阴道超声测量宫颈长度以及进行宫颈弹性成像,记录图像和测量结果进行统计分析。结果:142例孕晚期孕妇宫颈长度与孕周呈负相关(P=0.02),宫颈弹性评分及三基色红色比(R/GB)均表现出随孕周变化的趋势但无统计学意义(P>0.05),而宫颈弹性成像定量参数应变率比值(B/A)随孕周增加而逐渐增大(P=0.01)。结论:孕晚期宫颈长度与宫颈应变率比值随孕周变化而变化,可用于评估宫颈状况。 Objective To discuss on the clinical value of real-time ultrasound elastography in observing the cervical strain characteristics in late third trimester. Methods Totally, 142 late- stage pregnant women were enrolled in the study. The cervical lengths were measured by transvaginal sonograph and the ultrasound elastography was carried out. The images and measurement results were statistically analyzed. Results Significant negative correlations were found between cervical length and gestational age(P=0.02) in all cases. Both of cervical elastography score and trichromatic color analysis(red/green- blue ratio, R/GB) showed that no statistical significance was found in the trend changing with gestational age(P0.05), and that the strain ratio of quantitative parameters of cervical elastography(strain ratio of area B to area A, B/A)increased gradually with the increasing of gestational age(P=0.01). Conclusion The cervical length and strain ratio in late third trimester changes with the gestational age, which can be used to assess the cervical maturity.
出处 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2016年第7期704-707,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
基金 上海市卫计委项目(20134057)
关键词 孕晚期孕妇 妊娠 宫颈 超声弹性成像技术 应变率比值 pregnant women pregnancy cervix ultrasound elastography strain ratio
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