The IP Tribunal of the Beijing Higher People's Court
In the year of 2015, the Beijing Higher People's Court accepted 2,950 IP cases (inclusive of old files) of all types, representing a 17.34% year-over-year increase, of which there are 6 first-instance cases, 2,904 second-instance cas- es and 40 appeals. Of all the accepted cases, administra- tive cases involving grant and validity of IP rights amounted to 2,239, accounting for 75.90% of all the cases accepted; and IP- related civil cases amounted to 665, taking up 24.10% of all the cases accepted. Of all the 2,239 adminis- trative cases involving grant and validity of IP rights accept- ed in 2015, administrative cases involving patent grant and validity amounted to 178, making up 7.95%, and administra- tive cases involving trademark grant and validity amounted to 2,061, making up 92.05%.
China Patents & Trademarks