
基于PID算法的四旋翼飞行器定点跟踪控制 被引量:5

Quadrotor Tracking Control Based on PID Algorithm
摘要 四旋翼飞行器是一种结构紧凑、飞行方式独特的垂直起降式飞行器,具有欠驱动、强耦合的特点;为实现对飞行器的控制,使之能从起始位置在一定时间内到达设定目标点并稳定悬停,根据其飞行特点建立动力学模型并在此基础上提出了一种双闭环PID控制方法;其中,外环实现飞行器的位置控制,使用目标点与反馈回的实际坐标的偏差作为控制器的输入,内环实现飞行器的姿态控制,其姿态的参考量由外环的输出经逆向求解获得的欧拉角与实际姿态角求得的偏差作为控制器的输入;通过PID算法后输出的姿态控制信号,经过四旋翼飞行器"十"字动力学模型解耦得到4个电机的转速控制值,从而完成定点跟踪任务;提出的双闭环PID控制方法在仿真中获得了验证,为飞行器的进一步研究提供了基础。 Quadrotor is a way to VTOL aircraft that has compact structure and unique fight,with underactuated and strong coupling characteristics.For controlling the aircraft to arrive at set-point and maintains a stable hover from initial location,the article proposed the method of double close-loop PID control based on the dynamic model according to its flight characteristics,the outer ring accomplishes location control,we set the error between set-point and feedback actual location as the controller.the inner ring accomplishes attitude control,the set-value of the attitude results form the inverse solution of outer ring' s output,that the error between the set-value and actual attitude is the input of controller.after double close-loop PID,the signals for controlling attitude will be output,which can convert to four value used to control motor speed via the decoupling of cross dynamic model of quadrotor.The task of set-point tracking can be accomplished according to above all.the method of double close-loop PID control in this article can be verified with simulation experiments,providing a basis for furture study on the quadrotor.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 2016年第7期109-112,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(62103331 61573263) 湖北省科技支撑计划项目(2015BAA018)
关键词 四旋翼飞行器 动力学模型 双闭环 PID控制器 定点跟踪 quadrotor dynamic model double close-loop PID control set-point tracking
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