
哈尼梯田遗产地居民地方感与梯田保护态度的关系 被引量:17

Analysis on the Sense of Place and Rice Terrace Protection in the World Heritage Site of the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces
摘要 地方感在遗产保护中的作用日益受到关注,但目前的研究多集中在个体地方感对遗产保护的作用,较少关注地方感形成的自然、社会环境因素及其影响。在借鉴国外相关研究的基础上,结合哈尼梯田人地关系的特征,从地方感、自然连接、社会连接、梯田保护态度4个维度构建结构方程模型,分析遗产地居民的地方感与另外3个维度的关系。结果表明:当地居民地方感与自然连接中人与自然的连通性、对自然的依恋,与社会连接中亲戚、邻里关系、社区活动组织具有显著的关系;居民地方感与梯田保护态度呈明显正相关;社区中的亲戚邻里关系以及活动组织对于梯田保护态度有直接的正向影响。研究结果进一步验证了地方感对人们的生态环境保护态度具有正向影响这一结论,支持了地方固有的自然、社会特性以及人们与之的连接程度在个人地方感的形成中具有重要作用这一假设。据此,提出应该以社区为基础单元,以重大节庆和祭祀活动为切入点,强化当地的传统社会组织模式和社会关系网络;保护传统的资源管理和分配制度,为梯田保护提供内在动力。 There is growing concern about the role of sense of place in the process of heritage protection, most of the existing literatures focus on the personal sense of place and the effects on heritage protection, but think little about the role of natural and social environment in the formation of sense of place. Based on the findings in some international literatures and the characteristics of the human-environment relationship of Hani Rice Terraces, this research constructed a Structural Equation Model(SEM) that composed of four variables- nature bonding, social bonding, sense of place and awareness of terrace protection, trying to find the interaction between the sense of place and the other three variables. The results show that the connectedness with nature, nature attachment, the kinship, neighborhood, and activities in community have significant effect on sense of place, and there is a positive correlation between sense of place and awareness of terrace protection. In addition, social boding is also a direct and significant contributor to awareness of terrace protection. The results further validate that sense of place has positive influence on environmental concern and support the assumption which supposes that the intrinsic characteristics of a place and the bonding between people and those characteristics play an important role in forming sense of place. According to these results, we consider that traditional and important festivals should be taken to reinforce the traditional organization mode in community society and the traditional system of natural resource management and allocation should be cemented, so as to enhance the internal motivation for Hani Rice Terraces conservation.
出处 《热带地理》 2016年第4期532-538,571,共8页 Tropical Geography
基金 教育部人文社会科学科项目(13YJCZH053) 中国西南地缘环境与边疆发展协同创新中心基金课题
关键词 哈尼梯田 地方感 梯田保护意愿 当地居民 the Hani Rice Terraces sense of place awareness of terrace protection local residents
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