

Study on the hemodynamics of carotid artery stenosis
摘要 目的:研究狭窄程度不同的颈动脉区域中脂肪颗粒运动及其对血管和血液动力学影响。方法:基于血管造影技术,采用CFD软件对2D颈动脉分叉血管模型进行模拟和分析。结果:脂肪颗粒在颈动脉中的运动不仅与狭窄程度有关,也与脂肪颗粒个数有关。结论:颈动脉狭窄程度会影响脂肪颗粒的运动,其狭窄区域后方也易产生回流和形成血栓。同时脂肪颗粒的运动会加重狭窄程度,增大壁面剪切力并导致栓塞形成,促进病变进一步发展。 Objective: To study the movement of fat particles in different degrees of carotid artery stenosis and its influence on blood vessel and hemodynamies. Methods: Based on the angiographic technique, CFD was used to simulate and analyze 2D carotid bifurcation vessel model. Results: The movement of fat particles in carotid artery was related to the degree of stenosis and the amount of fat particles. In addition, its presence would increase the wall shear force. Conclusion: The degree of carotid stenosis can affect the movement of fat particles, and the region behind the stenosis could easily generate baekflow and thrombosis; meanwhile, the movement of fat particles can increase the degree of stenosis and the wall shear force, and might lead to the formation of embolism which would promote the further development of the disease.
出处 《天津医科大学学报》 2016年第4期295-299,306,共6页 Journal of Tianjin Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21176170)
关键词 脂肪颗粒 颈动脉 栓塞 狭窄 fat particles carotid artery embolism stenosis
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