

MIMO Relay System Based on Cooperative Partial Detection
摘要 为了降低多输入多输出(MIMO)中继传输系统中中继节点进行信号处理和转发的运算复杂度,提升系统整体性能,在全检测转发(FDF)技术的基础之上,提出了一种基于树的遍历的部分协作检测(CPD)算法,采用本算法的中继节点只转发部分信噪比较高的信息流,不仅降低了中继转发的负担同时还去除了一些经历了深度衰落的信号。仿真结果显示,和国外同类典型研究相比较,中继节点的负担大大降低,同时传输系统的性能有了明显提升。 In order to reduce the operation complexity of signal processing and forwarding for relay nodes in the multi-input multi-output(MIMO)relay transmission system and improve the overall system performance,this paper proposes a cooperative partial detection(CPD)algorithm based on full detect-and-forward(FDF)technique,and the CPD is based on tree traversal.The relay nodes of the algorithm only forward part of the data streams with higher signal to noise ratio,which not only reduces the load of the relaying,but also eliminates the deeply fading signals.The simulation results show that the algorithm can reduce the relay node burden significantly as well as improve the transmission system performance compared with the similar foreign research.
机构地区 空军预警学院
出处 《舰船电子对抗》 2016年第3期63-66,85,共5页 Shipboard Electronic Countermeasure
关键词 多输入多输出 中继传输 全检测转发 球检测 multi-input multi-output relay transmission full detect-and-forward sphere detection
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