目的观察尼古丁对BV-2小胶质α7烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(α7nicotine acetyleholine receptor,α7nAChR)、小胶质细胞P2X4受体(P2X4receptor,P2X4R)表达和脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)释放的影响,以探讨小胶质细胞参与尼古丁所致痛觉过敏的可能分子机制。方法①BV-2小胶质细胞接种在含12mm圆形盖玻片无菌12孔板,待细胞处于对数生长期,完全随机分为2组:α7nAChR组和P2X4R组。免疫荧光标记检测α7nAChR和P2X4R在BV-2小胶质细胞上的表达。②当12孔板中BV-2细胞处于对数生长期,完全随机分为4组:尼古丁实验组(N组),尼古丁终浓度为100μm/L;无血清培养基培养的空白对照组(C组);尼古丁拮抗剂组(NM组),10nmol/L甲基牛扁碱(methyllycaconitine,MLA)预孵育30min,改用含尼古丁的无血清培养基培养;单纯拮抗剂组(M组),10nmol/LMLA预孵育30min,改用无血清培养基培养。培养72h后收集各组细胞。应用实时荧光定量PCR(real-timequantitativePCR,RT-qPCR)检测α7nAChRmRNA和P2X4RmRNA表达量的变化,Westernblot检测α7nAChR和P2X4R蛋白表达量的变化。③当12孔板中细胞处于对数生长期,完全随机分为4组:正常对照组(Control组)、尼古丁预处理+DMEM组(Nicotine+DMEM组)、尼古丁预处理+激动剂组(Nieotine+ATP组),尼古丁预处理+拮抗剂组(Nicotine+5-BDBD组)。其中激动剂和拮抗剂由DMEM无血清培养基稀释,在尼古丁处理72h后加入,各组总体积保持一致,24h后ELISA检测培养液中BDNF释放量。结果①免疫荧光标记结果显示BV-2细胞存在α7nAChR和P2X4R的阳性表达。②RT-qPCR结果显示尼古丁可上调BV-2细胞α7nAChRmRNA和P2X4RmRNA的表达,α7nAChR特异性拮抗剂MLA可抑制α7nAChRmRNA和P2X4RmRNA表达的上调;Westernblot结果显示尼古丁处理可使BV-2细胞α7nAChR和P2X4R蛋白的表达上调,α7nAChR特异性拮抗剂MLA可抑制α7nAChR和P2X4R蛋白表达的上调。③ELISA检测培养液中BDNF含量结果显示:Nieofine+ATP组较Nieofine+DMEM组和Control组显著增多(P〈0.05),Nicotine+DMEM组较Control组增多(P〈0.05);Nicotine+5-BDBD组较Nicotine+DMEM组和Control组显著减少(P〈0.05).结论尼古丁可能通过α7nAChR上调小胶质细胞上P2X4R的表达进而通过BDNF的释放引起痛觉过敏的产生。
Objective To observe the expression of α7 nicotine acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR), P2X4 receptor(P2X4R)and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in BV-2 cells after nicotine treatment, and to investigate the molecular mechanism of the involvement of microglia in the nicotine induced pain hypersensitivity. Methods ① BV-2 mieroglial cells were seeded on 12 hole plate that containing 12 mm circular sterile coverslips, the cells in the logarithmic phase were randomly divided into 2 groups: α7nAChR group and P2X4R group. Expression of α7nAChR and P2X4R in BV-2 cells was detected by immunofluorescence staining. ② When BV-2 ceils of 12 well plate in the logarithm growth phase, the eells were randomly divided into 4 groups: nicotine treatment group(Group N), nicotine at a final eoncentration of 100 μmol/L, serum free medium was used as a control group (Group C), nicotine antagonists group(Group NM), pretreatment ceils with methyllycaconitine(MLA) 30 min at a final concentration of 10 nmol/L, then use nicotine treatment cells, simple antagonist group (group M), pretreatment cells with MLA 30 min at a final concentration of 10 nmol/L, then use serum free medium treatment cells, after 72 h, real-time quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR) was used to detect the expression of ot7nAChR mRNA and P2X4R mRNA, and the expression of α7nAChR and P2X4R protein was detected by Western blot. ③ When BV-2 cells of 12 well plate in the logarithm growth phase, the cells were randomly divided into 4 groups: normal control group (Control group) , nicotine pretreatment+DMEM group (Nicotine+DMEM group),nieotine pretreatment+ agonist group(Nicotine+ATP group) , nicotine pretreatmem+antagonist group(Nicotine+5-BDBD group). Agonist and antagonist diluted by DMEM medium without serum. After nicotine treatment 72 h add agonist and antagonist. BDNF released in eultured solution were detected by ELISA after 24 h. Results ① The expression of α7nAChR and P2X4R was founded in BV-2 cells by immunofluorescence staining. ② RT-qPCR results showed that nicotine can up-regulate the expression of α7nAChR mRNA and P2X4R mRNA in BV-2 ceils, and this up-regulation could be inhibited by MLA, a specific antagonist of α7nAChR. Western blot results showed that nicotine can up-regulate the expression of α7nAChR and P2X4R protein in BV-2 cells, and this up-regulation could be inhibited by MLA. ③ ELISA results showed that the content of BDNF in the culture media, the Nicotine+ATP group was significantly increased compared with the Control group and the Nieotine+DMEM group, the Nicotine+DMEM group was increased significantly compared with the Control group, the Nicotine+5-BDBD group was lower than that in the Nicotine+DMEM group and the control group. Conclusions Nicotine may increase the expression of P2X4R through α7nAChR, and then through the release of BDNF to cause hypersensitivity.
International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation