
农牧户产业链纵向协作模式选择意愿及影响因素分析——基于羊绒产业的调研数据 被引量:11

Analysis on ranchers' choice and influencing factors of vertical collaboration: A case study of cashmere industry
摘要 产业链纵向协作有利于优化资源配置,降低交易费用,提高整链效益。目前,我国农业产业链纵向协作已经形成了市场交易模式、契约协议模式、合作社模式、纵向一体化模式等多种模式。基于纵向协作理论假说,利用内蒙古、山西养羊户调研数据,运用多元选择模型,分析农牧户产业链纵向协作模式,探讨其选择意愿及影响因素。结果表明,农牧户纵向协作模式选择意愿最高的是书面合同模式,所占比例为34.65%。与市场交易模式相比,年龄、养殖年限对农牧户选择合作社模式有负向显著影响,家庭成员是否担任村干部有显著的正向影响,兼业化程度、养殖年限、信息可获得性对选择契约协议模式有显著的负向影响,收购者是熟人或亲戚的重要性对选择契约协议模式有显著的正向影响。研究表明,年龄、养殖年限、兼业化程度、信息可获得性、家庭成员是否担任村干部以及收购者是熟人或亲戚的重要性等因素显著影响农牧户纵向协作模式选择意愿。为此,建议政府通过扶持合作社发展、鼓励加工企业养殖基地建设、加强宣传教育、引导村委会牵头成立合作社或协会以及加强对加工企业、合作社等违约行为监管等方式提高农牧户参与纵向协作的积极性。 The vertical industry collaboration has its advantages in optimizing the allocation of resources, reducing transaction cost, and improving the efifciency of the whole industry chain. Currently, agricultural industry in China has developed a variety of models for vertical collaboration, including market transaction model, contract and agreement model, cooperative model, and vertical integration model. Based on the survey data of wool producers in Inner Mongolia and Shanxi Provinces and applying a multinomial Logistic model, this paper analyzed the vertical collaboration model of cashmere industrial chain and discussed farmers’ choice will and inlfuencing factors. Results show that written contract model takes the highest portion of the vertical collaboration models in farmers’ choice will, with 34.65%. This research also identiifed the inlfuencing factors of farmers’ choices, including the age, breeding time, part-time degree, information availability, whether family member being a village ofifcer, and whether the middlemen are friends or acquaintance of the farmers. Among the inlfuencing factors, the age and breeding time of sheep has a negative effect on farmers’ choice of cooperative model, and whether family member being a village officer has a positive effect. The part-time degree, breeding time, information availability had negative effects on farmers’ choice of contract and agreement model. Whether the middlemen are friends or acquaintance of the farmers has positive effect on the selection of the market transaction model. This paper suggests that the government should take steps to provide incentives for farmers to participate in the vertical collaboration, such as supporting the development of cooperatives, encouraging processing enterprises to build breeding base, guiding the village committee to establish cooperatives or association, and strengthening the supervision of the default among the processing enterprises and cooperatives.
作者 张莹 肖海峰
出处 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期709-715,共7页 Research of Agricultural Modernization
基金 财政部 农业部现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-40-20)~~
关键词 羊绒产业 纵向协作 产业链 选择意愿 影响因素 cashmere industry vertical collaboration industry chain choice will inlfuencing factors
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