
图书馆学领域“网络一代”用户研究综述 被引量:3

A Research Review on “Net Generation”Users in Library Science
摘要 [目的 /意义]"网络一代"用户,是指在数字技术、网络技术背景下成长起来的用户群体。其图书馆使用行为有不同于以往用户的表现,对其进行研究有助于推动图书馆服务创新。[方法 /过程]利用LISA、CNKI两个数据库的检索结果,并结合引文等途径收集文献,从文献计量分析、内容分析两方面对国内外图书馆学领域关于"网络一代"用户的研究内容进行对比、综述。[结果 /结论]计量分析显示:从文献数量随时间分布来看,国内研究尽管相对滞后,但是目前研究文献量下降的状况与国外相似;关键词分析可见:国内外研究背景、主要研究主题相近,覆盖了技术应用、图书馆服务、用户教育等多方面,明显的区别在于国外研究重视学习理论、教育理论研究,国内则重视阅读理论与阅读推广;内容分析显示:"网络一代"用户的图书馆使用偏好变化以及基于用户特征的图书馆服务变革均是国内外研究者的关注热点,不同之处在于,国外研究者更重视基于样本和案例的分析,但与国内研究相比,缺乏理论指导和统一的分析框架。国内以定性研究居多,取样与案例分析不足。认为未来研究需要增加针对"网络一代"信息行为的切实调查,关注信息行为调查研究的理论框架设计。数字阅读相关的理论研究有利于提升对"网络一代"用户信息行为的理解与感知。 [ Purpose/significance]As the library users, Net Generations, who were born into the era of burgeoning digital technology and network technology, should be focused on for they have showed some behaviors different from the previous generations. The related research will help to promote the library service innovation. [ Method/process ] With the literatures from the two databases: LISA, CNKI, and some citation literatures from other databases, this study reviews the research on Net Generation patrons in Library Science based on bibliometrics analysis and content analysis. [ Result/conclusion] According to the distribution of literature quatity over time, the domestic research has the same trend as the related foreign research, although there are much less literatures and some time lag in domestic research. With the keywords analysis, there are the same research topics between domestic and foreign research, such as technology application, library services, patron education, etc.. The obvious difference is that the domestic researchers focus on reading theory and reading promoting while the foreign researchers attach importance to learning and education theories. With the content analysis, both domestic and foreign searchers pay much attention on the preference change of Net Generation and the library reform based on this. Furthermore, foreign researchers pay more attention to case study but lack theory framework, while do- mestic researchers aim at qualitative study but lack investigation and case study. According to this paper, large scale survey, theory on user behavior and digital reading should be focused on in future.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第12期139-148,共10页 Library and Information Service
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究项目"学术类虚拟社区知识共享多主体建模研究"(项目编号:2012SJB87002)研究成果之一
关键词 网络一代 图书馆用户 用户行为 图书馆变革 Net Generation library patron user behavior library reform
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