
高校文理科研究生数据素养比较 被引量:26

Comparison Analysis of the Data Literacy of Liberal Arts Graduate Students and Science and Engineering Graduate Students
摘要 文章以高校研究生为调查对象,采用问卷调查法收集数据,对上海地区高校文理科研究生的数据素养现状进行分析与对比,揭示文科和理工科研究生在数据意识、数据知识、数据技能、数据引用以及科研团队管理科学数据方式等方面的特征及存在的问题。建议高校图书馆优化数据素养教育资源和平台,注重合作共享,制定科研团队的数据管理政策,并重视数据伦理教育,分学科、分层次地开展规范化的数据素养教育。 This paper compares and analyzes the status quo of data literacy of liberal arts graduate students and science and engineering graduate students in shanghai through questionnaire survey. It reveals the problems and characteristics of the graduate students in data awareness, data knowledge, data skills, data reference and management method of scientific data. Consequently, several construction strategies of data literacy education are recommended, such as optimizing resources and platform of data literacy education; paying attention to the cooperation and sharing; formulating the data management policy of research team; attaching great importance to the data ethics education; developing standardized data literacy education divisionally and hierarchically.
机构地区 上海大学图书馆
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期126-132,共7页 Library Tribune
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"数据素养对科学数据管理的影响及对策研究"(项目编号:14YJC870017)研究成果之一
关键词 数据素养 高校研究生 数据素养教育 调查研究 data literacy graduate students data literacy education investigation research
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