
综合医院皮肤科急诊6856例临床分析 被引量:6

The Clinical Analysis of 6856 Dermatological Emergency cases from a General Hospital
摘要 目的分析6856例皮肤科急诊患者的一般情况、病种及转归。方法采用回顾分析的方法对2013年4月至2014年3月于我科急诊就诊的所有患者的临床特点、疾病种类、预后等进行分析并总结。结果共有患者6856例,平均年龄(27.22±17.85)岁,其中男性占43.23%,女性占56.77%,14~30岁患者最多,占40.37%。最常见的疾病为变态反应性疾病(65.39%),其次为昆虫及节肢动物所致皮肤病(15.83%)及病毒感染性皮肤病(10.08%)。儿童患者在昆虫及节肢动物所致皮肤病、丘疹性荨麻疹、脓疱疮、带状疱疹、药疹、丹毒及多形红斑上与成人相比存在统计学差异。重症药疹仍为死亡率较高的皮肤急症。结论皮肤科急诊以变态反应性皮肤病为主,真正意义的急诊不多,但为急诊医生掌握的重点。 Objective To analysis the general condition,disease category and prognosis of 6856 cases of dermatological emergencies. Methods A retrospective study was conducted to analysis and summarize the clinical feature,disease category and outcome of patients visiting dermatological emergency department in Sichuan Provincial People's hospital during April 2013 to March 2014. Results 6856 patients were included,the mean age was 27. 22 ±17. 85 years old,male 43. 23%,female 56. 77%,patients between 14 years old to 30 years old were occupied thebiggest ratio( 40. 37%). The most common diseae was allergic diseases( 65. 39%),followed by insect and arthropod animal induced skin disease( 15. 83%),and viral infection( 10. 08%). Children had statistical difference in insect and arthropod animal induced skin disease,papularurticarial,impetigo,herpes zoster,erysipelas and erythema multiforme compared with adult patients. Severe drug eruption was dermatological emergency with high mortality. Conclusion The most common skin disese in dermatological emergency department were allergic dermatosis. Real emergencies were rare,but these were the key points the doctors should mastered.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2016年第7期780-783,共4页 Sichuan Medical Journal
关键词 皮肤科急诊 急诊 皮肤科 Dermatological emergencies Emergency Dermatological
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