目的观察Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cell of Cajal,ICC)和c-kit蛋白在正常胆囊和结石胆囊中的分布和表达情况,探讨ICC与胆囊结石发病的关系。方法对手术切除的25例结石胆囊和15例非结石胆囊石蜡包埋组织标本和新鲜组织,通过c-kit免疫组化染色和Western blot,对两组胆囊标本ICC和c-kit蛋白进行检测。结果所有胆囊标本中均发现c-kit阳性的ICC分布于胆囊平滑肌层,结石胆囊ICC数目和c-kit蛋白表达明显少于非结石胆囊。结论胆囊结石发病过程中胆囊动力学的减弱有可能与ICC的减少有一定关联。
Object To explore the changes of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and protein expression of c-kit in cholecystolithiasis. Methods Data from 25 patients with gallstones and 15 individuals without gallstones were compared. Tissues samples were obtained during surgery, changes of ICC were quantified by immunohistochemistry, and the protein expression of c-kit was detected by Western-blot analysis. Results ICCs exhibited in the smooth muscle layer. Compared with the controls, the decreased number of ICCs was present obviously in the gallstone group. Furthermore, the protein c-kit expression was signifiantly attenuated in the gallstone group. Conclusions The decreased number of ICC plays an important role in gallbladder hypomotility during the formation of gallstone.
Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine