
大气气溶胶对臭氧观测影响的讨论 被引量:4

Effects of Atmospheric Aerosol on Ozone Observation
摘要 使用三波长双重差分吸收激光雷达(D-DIAL)与双波长差分吸收激光雷达(DIAL)探测臭氧时,模拟了气溶胶影响造成的误差,并分析了气溶胶的波长指数和气溶胶含量等对探测结果的影响;讨论了三波长双差分方法中C(为消去后向散射项及消光项误差引入的比值C)的取值对探测结果的影响。研究结果表明,存在最佳值c使误差接近于零,并模拟了c的最佳取值。在对流层分别使用波长对266nm和308nm(DIAL)以及266,289,308nm(D-DIAL)进行多波长差分吸收激光雷达探测臭氧的误差模拟,在平流层中使用波长对308nm和351nm(DIAL)以及308,339,351nm(D-DIAL)进行多波长差分吸收激光雷达探测臭氧的误差模拟。模拟结果表明:对流层气溶胶散射比尺为2时,D-DIAL方法的误差小于1%,而DIAL方法的误差在10%~45%之间。在相同气溶胶含量下,平流层臭氧的探测误差要明显小于对流层臭氧的探测误差;当气溶胶含量很高时,用D-DIAL方法探测对流层臭氧误差最大可达6%,而在平流层误差最大只有3.5%。 The error caused by aerosol is simulated when ozone is detected with three wavelength dual difference absorption lidar (D-DIAL) and two werelength difference absorption lidar (DIAL). The effects of the aerosol parameters on ozone detection are analyzed, including wavelength exponent and aerosol content. The impact of the factor C, which is introduced by the elimination to the scattering and extinction errors, on the detection results is discussed by using the three wavelength dual differential method. It shows that C optimal values make the error close to zero, and the optimal value of C is simulated. Different wavelengths are used respectively to simulate the error in multi wavelength difference absorption lidar on ozone detection. In the troposphere, the wavelengths of 266 nm and 308 nm (in DIAL), and 266, 289, 308 nm(in D-DIAL) are used, and in the stratosphere, the wavelengths of 308 nm and 351 nm, and 308, 339, 351 nm are used. The simulated results show that when aerosol scattering ratio R is 2, the error of D-DIAL method is less than 1~, and the error of DIAL method is 10%~45%. In the same aerosol content, the error of stratospheric ozone is significantly less than the error of tropospheric ozone. When the aerosol content is high, the error of D-DIAL detecting tropospheric ozone can reach 6~, and in the stratosphere the maximum error is only 3.5%.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期49-58,共10页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 国家自然科学基金(41375044/D0503 41175033/D0503)
关键词 大气光学 激光雷达 臭氧探测误差 差分吸收 气溶胶 atmospheric optics lidar error in ozone detecting difference absorption aerosol
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