三元复合驱油作为三次采油提高采收率技术,已进入工业化推广阶段。由于三元复合驱采出水中含有大量的聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、表面活性剂和碱,使采出水的黏度增大,污水中油珠粒径变小,污水乳化严重,采用常规处理工艺很难使三元复合驱采出水得到有效处理,并达到回注水水质控制指标要求。为此,在杏十联三元复合驱采出水站,采用处理规模为5 m^3/h试验装置进行三元复合驱采出水微生物生化处理现场试验。试验结果表明,微生物生化处理技术除油效果显著,试验装置生化段和过滤段的出水含油浓度分别小于50和20 mg/L,达到《碎屑岩油藏注水水质推荐指标及分析方法(SY/T 5329—1994)》的回注水水质控制指标要求,提高了三元复合驱采出水的处理效果。
ASP flooding as EOR enhanced oil recovery technology, has entered the stage of-industrialization promotion. Due to the ASP produced water contains a large number of polyacrylamide (PAM), a surfactant and alkali, so that sewage viscosity become larger, smaller size of-oil in sewage water beads, emulsification sewage serious. Conventional treatment process is difficult to ASP flooding produced water effectively reaches back to the water treatment and water quality control index requirements. To do this in the Zing 10 United ASP flooding produced water station, using the treatment capacity of 5m3/h test device, the actual ASP flooding produced water microbial biochemical treatment field trials. The results showed that microbial biochemical treatment technology degreasing effect significantty, the oil content of the effluent biochemical test equipment segment and the filter segments are less than 50 and 20 mg/L, to achieve with the clastic rock reservoir water injection water quality recommended indexes and analysis method (SY/T5329-1994) to require control indica-tions of injected water quality, improve the ASP flooding produced water treatment effect.
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
ASP flooding produced water
microbial biochemical treatment
advanced oxidation treatment