
电视研究的女性主义视角——兼评劳拉·斯·蒙福德的女性主义电视研究理论 被引量:1

Feminist Perspective on Television Research——A Review of Laura Stempel Mumford's Feminist Television Theory
摘要 女性主义与电视研究的融合是一种必然,这种融合帮助我们重新认识了诸如性别、种族差异这些曾经被忽略的问题以及肥皂剧和家庭情节剧等通俗文化形式。如今重拾这些曾经被边缘的话题,对整个学术研究的冲击是全方面的。文章着重介绍、评析了劳拉·斯·蒙福德的女性主义电视研究理论。劳拉·斯·蒙福德认为电视研究的跨学科属性使其与女性主义的融合已渐成气候,她分析了电视研究的女性主义学科背景,并归纳了女性主义电视研究的一些基本议题,尤其对女性主义电视研究的热点——肥皂剧进行了深入剖析。 The integration of feminism and television studies is a necessity. It helps us to rediscover once-neglected issues such as gender and race differences,as well as other forms of popular culture,such as soap operas and family melodramas. Going back to these once marginalized topics has had a comprehensive impact on the whole academic research. This article gives an introduction and commentary on Laura Stempel Mumford's feminist television theory. According to her,the interdisciplinary characteristics of television studies have helped its integration with feminism to become gradually prevailing. She analyzed the feminist disciplinary background of television studies,summarizing some of the basic topics of feminist television studies,with a focus on the key points,conducting an in-depth analysis of soap operas.
作者 石研
出处 《浙江传媒学院学报》 2016年第3期100-104,154,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Media & Communications
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  • 7Tania Modleski. Feminism Without Women: Culture and Criticism in a "Postfeminist" Age [ M]. London ; New York : Routledge, 1991 104-105.
  • 8Charlotte Brunsdon; David Morley. The Nationwide Television Studies [M]. London ; New York : Routledge, 1999:153.
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  • 10Dorothy Hobson. Soap Opera [ M]. Boston: Polity Press, 1988 : 143.










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