目的总结联合肝脏分割和门静脉结扎的分阶段肝切除术手术护理配合体会。方法对6例联合肝脏分割和门静脉结扎的分阶段肝切除术术中护理配合进行回顾性分析。手术中游离血管及劈裂肝脏时容易出血,巡回护士术中密切关注手术进展和病情变化,准确评估记录出入量,及时供给手术台上所需物品,着重体位及维持体温的管理。器械护士要在了解手术步骤的基础上,紧跟医生的步伐,严格执行无瘤技术操作。结果 6例联合肝脏分割和门静脉结扎的分阶段肝切除术顺利完成,术中护理配合紧密。结论术前充分的准备,术中熟练的配合,是手术顺利实施的必备条件。
objective To summarize surgery nursing experience from associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy( ALPPS).Methods This study is to retrospectively analyze the nursing cooperation in our 6 patients who underwent ALPPS.It is easy bleeding to dissociate vessels and segment liver in the operation.The circuit nurse must take attention to the operation progress and the changes of the disease as well as the patient position and the body temperature.In addition to record the the number of out and into and the necessary items.The equipment nurses must to understand the operation and cooperate closely with doctors,to implement strictly the non-touch technology operation.Results 6 cases ALPPS was completed,intraoperative nursing work is very nice. Conclusion intraoperative cooperation with skilled,It is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the operation to sufficient preoperative preparation and cooperat doctors.
liver segmentation
Portal vein ligation
Liver resection
Intraoperative care