
社会再生产的总资本最高利润率与抵达路径——基于马克思社会再生产公式的解析 被引量:2

On the Maximum Profit Ratio of the Total Capital in the Social Reproduction and the Path to Achieve It
摘要 运用马克思社会再生产公式中的总资本利润率函数,把寻求社会总资本最高利润率转化成一个社会总资本结构优化问题。社会总资本最高利润率属于动态经济学范畴的问题,因此只有在生产生产资料的部类资本利润率高于另一部类的条件下,通过使该部类优先增长,提高该部类资本占社会总资本的比重,才能提高总资本利润率。根据按比例发展原理,生产生产资料的部类资本占社会总资本的比重应当存在一个上限,因而应当存在社会总资本的最高利润率。在厘清认识的基础上,举例计算验证社会扩大再生产的总资本最高利润率和抵达路径。 This paper converts the pursuit of the highest profit ratio to be a problem of optimizing the social total capital structure with an exploitation of the profit ratio function of the total capital in Marx's social reproduction formula. The issue of the highest profit ratio of the total capital can be classified into the scope of dynamic economics. Therefore only under the condition that the profit ratio of the sector which produces capital goods is higher than the other sector can the profit ratio of the total capital be increased by developing this sector in advance and increasing its capital proportion in the total capital. According to the principle of proportion development, there is an upper limit for the proportion of this sector's capital in the total capital. So there also should exist a highest profit ratio for the total capital. Based on such understanding, this paper proposes an example and makes the calculation to verify the highest profit ratio of the total capital and tries to figure out the path to achieve it.
作者 陶为群
出处 《管理学刊》 2016年第4期1-7,共7页 Journal of Management
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(15FJL008)
关键词 社会再生产 最高利润率 结构优化 路径 The Social Reproduction, The Highest Profit Ratio, Optimizing the Structure, Path
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