
离岸创新中心:经济新常态下的合作创新模式 被引量:7

Offshore Innovation Center: An Exploration of the Collaborate Innovation Mode under the New Normal State of China's Economy
摘要 在全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革蓬勃兴起以及中国经济发展步入新常态的宏观背景之下,创新驱动发展战略已成为国民经济新的关键词和关注焦点。探索创新驱动发展战略,采用"非对称"手段,实现创新驱动的"弯道超车",是我国在"十三五"期间所面临的战略性新课题。通过对世界和中国经济与科技发展所呈现出的新变化、新趋势的分析梳理,提出把以国际科研合作为核心的离岸创新中心建设作为经济发展新常态下的合作创新模式,使海外研发中心与国内研发基地相结合,构建水平领先、功能全面、机制灵活的产学研用一体化架构,发挥创新资源的聚焦、映射、放大和沟通四种"透镜作用",以技术引入带动人才引入,以科学创新带动经济发展,以科技经济输出带动文化输出,提升中国的国际影响力。 In the macro context of both the prosperous development of global science technology revolution and industry innovation and the fact that China's economy steps into the "New Normal State", the strategy of innovation-driven development has become the key words and focus of national economy, It is a strategic issue China is facing in the 13th. Five-Year Plan to explore the strategy of innovation-driven development and achieve the innovation-driven corner overtaking with the asymmetric methods. The paper analyses the latest development and trends of both Chinese economy and technology and the world's. And then proposes that the offshore innovation mode, which focuses on the international science and technology cooperation, should be the collaborate innovation mode in new normal state. The aim of offshore innovation mode is to build an advanced, functional and flexible integrated system by combining oversea innovation centers and domestic innovation systems. The offshore innovation mode will exert the innovation resources" four lens effects, including focusing, mapping, enlarging and communicating. This mode will drive the talent import via technology import, promote the economy development with science and technology innovation, and drive civilization export via science and economy export, which will improve China's international influence.
出处 《管理学刊》 2016年第4期38-45,2,共8页 Journal of Management
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(15JZD012)
关键词 科技创新 国际合作 离岸创新 非对称发展 透镜作用 Science and Technology Innovation, International Cooperation, Offshore Innovation, Asymmetric Development, Lens Effect
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