

Cooperative Grid-Vote-Based Position Verification in VANETs
摘要 针对车载网VANETs(vehicle Ad Hoc networks)中恶意节点的位置欺骗问题,提出了基于节点协作式的网格投票的位置验证方案。该方案将连续时间划分静态帧,在每个静态帧内,验证者和邻居节点协作共同检测位置欺骗的节点。验证者先获取目标区域,并将目标区域分割成等区域面积的网格。通过了资格审核的邻居节点才能在相应的网格内投票。通过多轮网格投票,获取最高票数的网格所在的区域,就是被验证者被估计的位置。将该位置与被验证者声称的位置进行比较,若不相符,则认为被验证者实施了位置欺骗。安全性能分析和仿真数值表明,基于节点协作式的网格投票的位置验证方案能有效地检测位置欺骗节点,具有低的漏警率和虚警率,能够正确地检测恶意节点。 For position deception in VANETs(vehicle Ad Hoc networks),the collaborative grid-vote-based position verification scheme is proposed.The continuous time is divided into static frame,and in each static frame both verifier and neighbors cooperatively detect the node in position deception.The verifier first obtains the target area,which is divided into grid with the same area.Neighbor nodes passed qualification examination are able to vote in the corresponding grid.Through several rounds of grid,the grid with highest votes is considered to the position of passive-verifier(PV),which is compared with claimed position from the PV.Position deception from PV is validated if it is not consistent.Security performance analysis and simulation numerical results show that the proposed scheme is able to protect from position deception with low false negative ratio and false positive rate and correctly detect the malicious node.
作者 李景富 张飞
出处 《测控技术》 CSCD 2016年第7期102-106,111,共6页 Measurement & Control Technology
基金 河南省重点科技攻关项目(152102210023 152102110039)
关键词 网格 协作式 静态帧 位置验证 投票 车载网 grid cooperative static frame position verification vote VANETs
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