目的 :通过观察对不同疾病阶段的贝尔面瘫均采用针灸方法治疗所造成的疗效差异,明确针灸治疗本病最恰当的时机。方法:44例贝尔面瘫患者依据发病时间分为以下3组:发展期组、静止期组和恢复期组。3组均予针灸治疗,主穴取健侧合谷,患侧地仓、颊车、阳白、四白、牵正、翳风;配穴:水沟、承浆,患侧下关、迎香、攒竹。操作:除合谷泻法外,其他腧穴均行平补平泻法,于临床痊愈或治疗3个疗程后再行疗效判定。结果:在面神经功能分级及愈显率方面,发展期组疗效最好(P<0.01);而静止期组与恢复期组相比无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:针灸介入治疗本病的最恰当时机是发展期。
Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture treatment for different stages of Bell's palsy,and explore the best intervention time of acupuncture. Methods:According to the onset time,44 pa- tients with Bell's palsy were divided into three groups:active stage group,resting stage group and recovery stage group. All the three groups were treated with acupuncture. Yangbai(GB 14),sibal(ST 2),dicang(ST 4),jiache(ST 6),qianzhen(EX-HN 16),yifeng(TE 17) on the affected side and hegu(LI 4) on the healthy side were selected as the main points. Chengjiang(CV 24),shuigou(CV 26) and cuanzhu(BL 2),xiaguan (ST 7) and yingxiang(LI 20) on the healthy side were selected as the adjuvant points. Manipulation method were as follows :reducing was performed at hegu(LI 4),and mild tonification and mild purgation was per- formed at other points. The therapeutic effect was evaluated after the clinical recovery or after three thera- peutic courses. Results:On the facial nerve function scale and cured and markedly effective rate,the active stage group was the best(P〈0.01),and there was no significant difference between the resting stage group and recovery stage group(P〉0.05). Conclusion:The active stage is the best timing for the intervention of acupuncture.
Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Bell's palsy