
G20与2030年可持续发展议程的落实 被引量:18

G20 and Implementation of UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
摘要 G20已明确宣示,将为推动2030年议程后续落实贡献重大力量。考虑到2030年议程目标框架所提供的政策空间、议程后续落实所需的政治意愿及议程指标化治理方法的行为规范缺失,G20有重要的政策空间和潜力实现上述目标。通过积极推动2030年议程的后续落实,不仅可实现G20从应急机制向发展促进的长期机制转型,还可切实推动可持续发展目标的实现。要将G20建设成为2030年议程落实的核心力量,就应赋予其重要的协调功能并改革既有机制体制,主要包括:使作为整体的G20成为2030年议程后续落实与评估的典范,通过"榜样"作用推动2030年议程的后续落实;以G20发展工作组为核心机制,推动"共同但有区别的责任"原则升级到2.0版本,促进全球可持续发展伙伴关系的构建;通过强化与相关机构的沟通与协调,使G20成为2030年议程后续落实与评估的桥梁;提升对"后千年发展目标"及"被忽视的具体目标"的关注,使G20成为重拾议程指标制定过程中遗失目标的核心力量;积极支持发展中国家权利,确保2030年议程在后续落实过程中不偏向、不跑题;等等。 G20 has clearly exhibited its political willingness to contribute to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(2030 Agenda). G20 has significant policy room and potential to realize above goals given the huge policy spaces provided by the 2030 Agenda, the political willingness gaps in implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and the absence of behavioral rules on indicization approach adopted by the 2030 Agenda. To actively promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda will not only facilitate the transition of G20 from an ad hoc mechanism to a long-term institution for sustainable development, but also contribute to the realization of global sustainable development. To facilitate G20's role in implementation of the 2030 Agenda, it urgently needs to strengthen its coordinative authority and to reform existing institutions, including: to push G20 as a whole to set an example for the rest of the international community in regard to implementation of the 2030 Agenda; to advocate version 2.0 of the common but differentiated responsibility(CBDR) principle with G20-DWG as the key driver, for facilitating the establishment of the global partnership for sustainable development; to strengthen communication and coordination with the UN High Level Political Forum(HLPF), UN regional committees and relevant organizations for building bridges for the follow-up and review mechanisms of the 2030 Agenda; to mobilize public awareness of those post-MDG targets and lost-targets for strengthening the central role of G20 in implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and; to play a proactive role in supporting development rights of the developing world through keeping implementation of the 2030 Agenda always on the right track.
作者 张春
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2016年第4期24-43,共20页 Global Review
关键词 G20 2030年议程 共同但有区别的责任 全球伙伴关系 G20 UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Common But Differentiated Responsibility Global Partnership
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