AIM: To comparatively analyze the efficacy and clinical value of cutting frontal m uscular slap or not during frontalis aponeurosis flap suspension in treating congenital severe ptosis.METHODS: Clinical data of 44 children( 54 eyes) with congenital severe ptosis treated in our hospital from May2013 to October 2015 was retrospectively analyzed.Children included were divided into two groups according to the different ways of operation, observation group( cutting frontal muscular slap) and control group( without cutting frontal muscular slap),22 cases( 27eyes) in each group. The general inform ation,postoperative follow-up,eyelid closure and com plication occurrence in two groups were com pared.RESULTS: The general information of the two groups had no statistical difference( P〈0. 05). After 1,6m o,the cosm etic correction rate,the rate of overcorrection,and the rate of under correction in two groups had no statistical difference( P〉0. 05),but the activity of upper eyelid in observation group was bigger than that in control group( P〈0. 05). After 1,6m o,the incom plete closure in two groups had no statistical difference( P〉0. 05),but eyelid fissure height in natural closed eyelids in control group was higher than that in observe group( P〈0. 05). After 1m o,2 eyes in control group were with abnorm al feelings in frontal part, and 3 eyes in observation group. After 6m o,2 eyes in control group were with abnorm al feelings in frontal part,and 3 eyes in observation group. There were no com plications such as exposure keratitis, eyelid m argin deform ity, infection,hem atom a,and diplopia in two groups.CONCLUSION: The total therapeutic effects of two different surgery procedures in treating severe congenital ptosis are quite sim ilar. The surgery with cutting frontalm uscular slap could im prove the activity of upper eyelid and postoperative eyelid closure.
International Eye Science
frontal muscle flap
frontalis aponeurosis flap suspension