Latin American cities are relatively new constructs of varied dimensions, huge contrasts, stark juxtapositions of scales and styles, formal and economical incongruities, informalities and discontinuities, with vast environmental and social problems on the one hand, and strong speculative and financial powers dominating the floor on the other hand. This complex mixture results in an apparently unbalanced ensemble apprehension, and even of very difficult rational more difficult and concerted solution. It that is so, would there be any room for finding good and meaningful contemporary 21st century buildings in Latin America under the idea of "architecture that helps make city and public spaces Despite the sheer diversity of situations and modalities that may be included in this apparently simple idea, this was the mission of the "Rogelio Salmona Latin American Architecture Award: open spaces / collective spaces." The 2014 edition of the prize was granted to the Projeto Viver built in So Paulo, designed by FGMF Architects. Having deeply involved in the Award selection process and as a jury member of the international committee, the author tries to explain why this modest building can be considered as representative of the region, and how this project alongside some other projects on the shortlist, can achieve a positive impact on the transformation of Latin American cities.
Time + Architecture
Latin America
Contemporary Architecture
Open Spaces