
当代拉丁美洲建筑 常识与理想主义 被引量:1

Contemporary Architecture in Latin America Common Sense and Idealism
摘要 拉丁美洲新的城市建筑内容丰富、形色各异。不同规模与风格的建筑尖锐并置,反差强烈,形式与经济因素并不调和,表现出随意性、非正规性与不连续性的特点。这些城市建筑,一方面面临着着巨大的环境与社会问题,另一方面受到强大的投机与金融力量的操控。这样错综复杂的状态构成了拉丁美洲当代建筑的一种不稳定的整体特征,使人很难对其形成理性的理解,讨论和寻找解决问题的途径就更为艰巨了。因此,能否根据"塑造城市与公共空间的建筑"这一理念,去寻找出色而有意义的、21世纪拉丁美洲的当代建筑?这个很简单的理念包含了极为多样的情状与形态,这也正是"罗杰里奥·萨尔莫纳拉美建筑奖:开放空间/集体空间"的评奖使命。2014年,该奖项颁给了FGMF建筑师事务所设计的位于圣保罗的一处住宅项目。作为国际委员会成员与评委,作者参与了遴选候选项目的工作。文章试图解释为什么评委会认为这个谦逊的项目表现了地域特征,以及它和其余候选项目是如何共同推进了使拉丁美洲城市变得美好的进程。 Latin American cities are relatively new constructs of varied dimensions, huge contrasts, stark juxtapositions of scales and styles, formal and economical incongruities, informalities and discontinuities, with vast environmental and social problems on the one hand, and strong speculative and financial powers dominating the floor on the other hand. This complex mixture results in an apparently unbalanced ensemble apprehension, and even of very difficult rational more difficult and concerted solution. It that is so, would there be any room for finding good and meaningful contemporary 21st century buildings in Latin America under the idea of "architecture that helps make city and public spaces Despite the sheer diversity of situations and modalities that may be included in this apparently simple idea, this was the mission of the "Rogelio Salmona Latin American Architecture Award: open spaces / collective spaces." The 2014 edition of the prize was granted to the Projeto Viver built in So Paulo, designed by FGMF Architects. Having deeply involved in the Award selection process and as a jury member of the international committee, the author tries to explain why this modest building can be considered as representative of the region, and how this project alongside some other projects on the shortlist, can achieve a positive impact on the transformation of Latin American cities.
出处 《时代建筑》 2016年第3期42-45,共4页 Time + Architecture
关键词 拉丁美洲 当代建筑 开放空间 Latin America Contemporary Architecture Open Spaces
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  • 1Enrique Browne. Otra Arquitectura en America Latina. Mexico, Gustavo Gill, 1988.
  • 2Marina Waisman, Cesar Naselli. 10 Arquitectos Latinoamericanos. Sevilha: Direccien General de Arquitectura Y Vivienda, 1989.
  • 3Antonio Toca. Nueva Arquitectura en America Latina: presente y Futuro. Mexico: Gustavo Gili, 1990.
  • 4Jorge Francisco Liernur. America Latina. Architettura, gli ultimi vent' anni. Milano: Electa Editrice, 1990.
  • 5Cristian Fernandez Cox, Antonio Toca Fernandez. America Latina: nueva arquitectura. Un a modernidad posracionalista. Mexico: Gustavo Gill, 1998.
  • 6Hugo oegawa. Arquitectura latinoamericana contenporenea. Mexico: Gustavo Gili, 2005.
  • 7Fundacien Rogelio Salmona, http:llobra. fundacionrogeliosalmona.orgl Latin American Award, http:// premio.fundacionrogeliosalmona.orgl.










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