微控制器MCU(Microcontroller Unit)在国内俗称单片机,微控制器主要用于控制目的,要求以MCU构成的系统有实时、快速的外部响应,能迅速采集到大量数据,做出逻辑判断与推理后实现对被控制对象的参数调整与控制.在当前的互联网大数据时代,MCU技术已经与组网技术,数传技术融合在一起,应用于测控系统、智能仪表、机电一体化产品,融入社会的方方面面.文章分析了三种技术的最新研究进展,以Keil C为软件调试环境,开发了一种综合利用MCU技术、GPRS无线数据传输技术、RFID射频扫描识别技术的智能快递投送系统,并从行业现状、创新性等方面分析了本系统的优越性.最后,指出了MCU技术发展面临的问题和挑战,展望了未来的研究方向。
The MCU (Microcontroller Unit) in the domestic commonly known as MCU, MCU is mainly use -d for control purposes, the system requirements for MCU which has real-time, rapid response to the extern- al, can quickly collect large amounts of data, After MCU making the logic judgment and reasoning, the par- meters of the controlled object can be adjusted and controlled. In the current age of the Internet, MCU techn- ology has been integrated with networking technology, data transmission technology. It is used in the meas- urement and control system, intelligent instruments, mechanical and electrical integration products, and it is integrated into all aspects of society.This paper analyzes the latest research progress of three kinds of techn- ology, using Keil C as the software debugging environment, and designed a "Intelligent Express Delivery-- System"based on technology of MCU,GPRS,RFID.This paper also analyzes the advantages of the system from the current situation of the industry, technology innovation, and so on.Finally, it points out the problems and challenges faced by the development of MCU technology, and looks forward to the future research direction.
Electronics World
Microcontroller Unit
Keil C
Wireless Data Transmission Technology
General Packet Radio Service
Radio Frequency Identification