
熟练中韩双语者同形词的词汇通达机制 被引量:3

The Accessing Mechanism of the Proficient Chinese-Korean Bilingual's Lexical Representation to Homograph
摘要 采用隐蔽翻译启动范式的词汇决定任务,研究了三类中韩同形词的词汇表征,被试为30名熟练中韩双语者,以翻译方向和词汇类型为自变量。发现中韩双语间存在不对称的隐蔽翻译启动效应,这种不对称性与同形词类型有关;语义的启动效应大于语音的启动效应。说明完全和部分同义同形词的词汇表征是共享的,异义同形词的词汇表征是分离的;熟练中韩双语同形词的词汇表征为双重心理词典模型。研究结果支持了修正层级模型。 Chinese and Korean are paronymous, and there are three kinds of Chinese-Korean homograph: the full synonym homographs, the partial synonym homographs and the homograph homographs. In order to investigate how the homograph of the high proficient Chinese-Korean bilinguals' second language accesses its lexical representation, the masked translation primed lexical decision task was used. The experiment takes the translation direction and the word type as the independent variables. The reaction time and the correct rate are the dependent variables. Subjects are 30 senior students in a Normal University, who major in Korean and have passed Korean TOPIK6 Exam and are all high proficient Chinese-Korean bilingnals. The materials in the questionnaire are chosen from the studies of Kim Lianzheng (2009) and Wu Zhixuan (2011). 180 homographs, 60 to each type, were appraised its degree of familiarity by other 30 high proficient Chinese-Korean bilinguals. Those words whose degree of familiarity are less than 4 were deleted. Finally, 99 homographs were chosen as experimental materials. Other 99 translation independent words and 99 fillers were also chosen. Filler words were formed by the change of one word of the true double character words to a paralog, and to balance the experiment, half of the fillers' first word were changed and the other hall's second words were changed. Subjects should make the decision as soon and accurately as possible; half of the subjects did the direction of Chinese-Korean first and the other did the opposite direction first. The program was run by the eprime 1.0 in an IBM computer, and the data processing used SPSS 19.0. Screen resolution was 1360×768. The results showed a significant masked translation priming effect for both directions, which is affected by the type of the homograph. The main effect of word type was significant, F(3, 87)= 15.66, p 〈 .001.The translation priming effect from Chinese to Korean of the full synonym homographs and partial synonym homographs was significant, which means both of these two types of homographs shared lexical representation. The significant effect of full homograph homographs was only in the Korean to Chinese translation direction, which means separate lexical representation for such homographs. Contrasting the full homograph and the translation independent words, there was only one difference---the full homograph homographs had similar pronunciation while the translation independent words did not, so in a way the priming effect may be attributed to the reliance of phonology in Korean reading. Concept and phonology both facilitated the translation prime, with a greater priming effect of the former. It appeared that the bilingual interactive activation model best accommodates the data on bilingual word recognition in Chinese-Korean homographs. The analysis of data shows that both of the direction, from Chinese to Korean and the reverse, have significant translation priming effect of the full synonym homographs and the partial synonym homographs; while the effect is asymmetric, the direction of Chinese to Korean is significantly stronger than the other direction, with t(29)=6.21,p 〈 .01 for the full synonym homograph and t(29)=6.55,p〈.01 for the partial synonym homograph, which means that connection exists between direction and the difference in strength. The results support the hierarchical model by Korll(1992). The experiment researched the lexical representation of high proficient Chinese-Korean bilingnals, using masked translation primed tasks. Chinese and Korean are two special languages in the world, as only two countries use them, and have the same historical development. In addition, Chinese and Korean have many same and different points, such as pronunciation and morphology, but until now there is no related research for these two languages. In China, researches of bilinguals memory organization model are mostly about Chinese and western languages or Chinese and minority languages. This experiment for Chinese and Korean is the first of its kind and can fill in some blanks in this field.
作者 高淇 刘希平
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期820-826,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社科研究基金项目(14YJA190007)的资助
关键词 熟练中韩双语者 隐蔽翻译启动 同形词 词汇表征 high proficient Chinese-Korean bilinguals, masked translation effect, homographs, lexical representation
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