目的:了解高危型人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma virus,HPV)感染女性的配偶对HPV感染知识的认知状况及需求情况。方法:对372例高危型HPV检测阳性女性的配偶进行HPV感染知识和HPV检测意愿的问卷调查。结果:回收有效问卷365份,有效率98.1%。HPV感染知识问卷部分回答全部正确率为4.4%(16/365)。各单项知识的知晓率均未超过40%。认知度与年龄、居住地、文化程度、收入等有关。93.7%的男性愿意妻子接受HPV检测,34.5%的男性愿意自己接受HPV检测。男性希望获取HPV相关知识的渠道为网络信息平台、医疗卫生机构和传统信息媒介。结论:感染高危型HPV女性的配偶对HPV感染知识匮乏,有必要对其开展HPV知识的健康教育。
Objective: To investigate the cognitive status and demands for HPV infection knowledge among spouses whose wife infected with high risk HPV. Methods: The HPV infection knowledge and their detection wishes of 372 men whose wife infected with high risk HPV were investigated by a questionnaire. Resuits:365 valid questionnaires were collected, the valid rate was 98.1%. HPV infection knowledge awareness rate of the male was 32.3%. Cognitive degree was related to their age, residence, educational levels and comes. 93.7% of the men agreed his wife to receive HPV detection, but only 34.5% of the men have wish of their own. The channel which men want to obtain HPV-related knowledge were network information platform, medical institutions and traditional information media. Conclusion: The men whose wife infected with high risk HPV are lack of HPV infection knowledge, it is necessary to carry out health education of HPV infection knowledge among infected women' s husband.
Hebei Medicine